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Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51278221 and 51378076) and the Science Technology Development Project of Jilin Province, China (Grant No. 20140204027SF).
Considering the interlayer height, luggage, the difference between queuing pedestrians, and walking speed, the pedestrian choice model of vertical walking facilities is established based on a support vector machine. This model is verified with the pedestrian flow data of Changchun light-rail transfer station and Beijing Xizhimen transfer station. Adding the pedestrian choice model of vertical walking facilities into the pedestrian simulation model which is based on cellular automata, the pedestrian choice behavior is simulated. In the simulation, the effects of the dynamic influence factors are analyzed. To reduce the conflicts between pedestrians in opposite directions, the layout of vertical walking facilities is improved. The simulations indicate that the improved layout of vertical walking facilities can improve the efficiency of pedestrians passing.
Escalators and stairways are vertical walking facilities in transfer stations. As a main pedestrian passage in a hub, it is also the main bottleneck. According to actual observation and the existing research,[1] in general, pedestrians prefer to take the escalator. Due to this, the uses of escalator and stairway are always out of balance. The number of pedestrians choosing the escalator is more than that of choosing the stairway. Analyzing and simulating the pedestrian choice behavior between escalator and stairway is useful in planning and designing the facilities.[1]
There are two normal methods in simulating the pedestrian choice behavior between escalator and stairway: setting the choice ratio based on experience and planning the walking path when pedestrians appear. However, these two methods could not simulate pedestrian choice behavior well.[2] Generally, pedestrians make choices according to the walking environment when they are right in front of these facilities. That is to say, pedestrians analyze the walking environment, then make a decision.[3,4] The pedestrian choice behavior simulation of vertical walking facilities can be divided into two parts: the pedestrian choice of vertical walking facilities, and the pedestrian simulation.
On the research of pedestrian choice of vertical walking facilities, the logit model based on utility maximization theory has been widely used.[5–7] Cao[5] analyzed the pedestrian flow data of Beijing, and built the pedestrian choice model of vertical walking facilities based on the logit model. Li et al.[6] considered the scene that pedestrians chose the stairway or escalator, and established an extended binary logit model. The logit model based on utility maximization theory has the defect that the calibration results are influenced by the quantity of data.[1]
The pedestrian flow is studied by using the modes of experiment, observation, and simulation.[8–12] On the research of pedestrian simulation, the cellular automata model[13,14] and social force model[15,16] are usually used. The cellular automata model is easy to implement, and the simulation effect is good. Cellular automata (CA) is used to build many pedestrian simulation models in different scenarios, such as the pedestrian counter flow on a crosswalk,[17] the crowd dynamics during tawaf,[18] the road in front of elementary and middle school gates when students are going to school,[19] the collision avoidance model for pedestrian dynamics,[20] and so on. In crowded conditions, many CA-based crowd models have been established and validated with the real data.[21–24] Seyfried et al.[25] and Johansson et al.[26] respectively investigated the fundamental diagram of pedestrian and crowd dynamics of pedestrian flow based on suitable video data, and these characteristics of pedestrian flow could be shown in the CA-based simulation model.
In this paper, a support vector machine, which is better in solving the problems of a small sample, and nonlinear classification are used to build a pedestrian choice model. The choice result is added into the pedestrian simulation model which is based on cellular automata. The size and pedestrian flow data of Changchun light-rail transit station are obtained to build the simulation scenario. On this basis, the simulation of pedestrian choice behavior is realized and the vertical walking facilities layout is improved to reduce the pedestrian conflicts.
The pedestrian choice behavior between escalator and stairway is a complex process and can be influenced by individual characteristics, pedestrian flow conditions and facilities conditions.[27–29] Pedestrian individual characteristics mainly include gender, age, luggage, walking speed, etc. Pedestrian flow conditions mainly include the difference between queuing pedestrians, the degree of crowdedness, etc. Facilities conditions mainly include the interlayer height, the width of stairway, the width of escalator, the speed of escalator, etc. Different pedestrians have different decision-making psychologies, for example, the pedestrian who carries a large amount of luggage tends to choose the escalator, the older pedestrian tends to choose the escalator, and the pedestrian in a hurry tends to choose the stairway.
Because the factors that have an influence on the pedestrian choice behavior between escalator and stairway are multiple and there may be collinearity and interdependence among these factors, it is necessary to select the key influence factors.[2]
Based on the relevant research,[1–7] the pedestrian flow data of the transfer passage are gathered. Four main factors which include the interlayer height, luggage, the difference between queuing pedestrians, and walking speed, are selected by the method of Regression Analysis Stepwise (RAS) and are added into the choice model as characteristic variables. The model variables are listed in Table
![]() | Table 1. Introduction of model variables. . |
As the relationship among influencing factors of pedestrian choice behavior is nonlinear, so the problem of pedestrian choice of vertical walking facilities in a transfer station is regarded as a nonlinear classification problem. The support vector machine has the ability to solve the problems of a small sample and nonlinear classification.[30–32] So, the support vector machine is used to build the pedestrian choice model.
According to the analysis results of influence factors for pedestrian choice behavior, interlayer height, luggage, the difference between queuing pedestrians, and walking speed are the key influence factors. The pedestrian characteristic vector is described as follows:
The pedestrian sample set can be described as follows:
The problem of pedestrian choice of vertical walking facilities in a transfer station is regarded as a nonlinear classification problem, and pedestrian samples cannot be separated linearly. So, it needs to map the samples into the high dimensional feature space through the mapping function ϕ(x), and the nonlinear classification problem can be transformed into a linear separable problem.
In the support vector machine, as for the linear binary classification problem, the purpose of model optimization is to find a hyperplane to separate two kinds of samples. The hyperplane is described as follows:
According to the structural risk minimization principle, the minimum risk is achieved when the classification interval becomes largest during the separation. And according to the relevant research, the problem of searching for the optimal hyperplane is transformed into the problem of optimization, which is described as follows:
The Lagrange multiplier method is used to solve the problem of optimization. The optimal classification decision function is obtained as follows:
To overcome the curse of dimensionality, according to the Mercer theorem, the kernel function K(x,xi) is used to replace ϕ (x) · ϕ (xi), namely K (x,xi) = ϕ (x) · ϕ (xi). Radial basis function (RBF) is selected as a kernel function, and the formula is given as follows:
The pedestrian samples data of Changchun light-rail transfer station and Beijing Xizhimen transfer station were collected by recording videos on August 16, 2015 and August 17, 2015, respectively. According to Table
The prediction process of pedestrian choice behavior is as follows:
According to Table
With the increasing of the value of C, the empirical risk decreases and generalizing ability weakens. So, under the premise of high accuracy, a smaller C is needed. With the increasing of the value of g, the empirical risk increases, and the empirical risk increases and the generalizing ability strengthens. So, a suitable g is needed. The optimal parameters of C and g are achieved through a genetic algorithm, and the processes are shown in Figs.
Based on the survey data, we select 800 pedestrian samples for each of the upward and downward directions randomly as the training set. On the platform of the Libsvm toolbox in MATLAB software, with the training set and the optimal parameters Cup, Cdown, gup, and gdown, the Svmtrain function is used to solve the optimization problem of formula (4). And the pedestrian choice results of the remaining 80 pedestrian samples for each of the upward and downward directions are predicted by the Svmpredict function. The prediction results are shown in Table
![]() | Table 2. Predicted results of pedestrian choice behavior. . |
From Table
There are five assumptions in the process of pedestrian simulation.
In the process of calculation of the floor field, when pedestrians can only walk in the horizontal and vertical directions, the minimum step between cell
(i,j) and exit m is denoted by
The detailed generation process of static floor field is described as follows.[33,34]
In the choice zone, simulate the pedestrian choice behavior by switching the floor field, and set the weight coefficient ε to be 0.4. Before choosing escalator or stairway, the LP (Pedestrians generated on the left side of the passage) have the probabilities to walk on the downward escalator or stairway, but they cannot walk on the upward escalator. So, we can set the upward escalator as the barrier.
In general, cellular automata Moore motion rule is widely used.[35] In Fig.
With the cellular automata Moore motion rule,[36] the transition probability of a pedestrian is calculated as follows:

The kS and kD have a remarkable influence on the distribution of the floor field values. In the process of simulation, kD reflects the following trend of pedestrians. Since the scenario discussed in this paper is the transfer passage of the station, we can treat pedestrians as people who have a specific aim. There is no need to consider the aimless following phenomenon. So, we set the coefficient of dynamic floor field kD to be zero. If kD is set to be a fixed value, when kS increases gradually, the pedestrian motion time would decrease in a nonlinear way.[37] When the coefficient of static floor field kS is equal to 3, the pedestrian motion time is a well acceptable value and the walking features of the pedestrians would appear in the simulation, for example, pedestrians gather in front of the narrow exit and present an arched shape close to the narrow exit. So, we set the coefficient of the static floor field kS to be 3.
According to the actual observation, the capacity is larger at the position where the passage becomes wider, and the change of pedestrian flow state gives a ‘message’ to each pedestrian. Most pedestrians make a choice between escalator and stairway at the position where the passage becomes wider. According to the actual observation, we set the width of the choice zone to be 2 cells and the probabilities of pedestrian choice behavior occurring in 2 cells are equal. The choice zone of Scenario B is shown in Fig.
There are two rows of cells in the choice zone, so we set the probabilities of pedestrian choice behavior in the first and second row cells as both 0.5. When a pedestrian arrives at the first row cells of the choice zone, a random number R(R ∈ [0, 1]) is generated. If 0 ≤ R ≤ 0.5, the pedestrian chooses to take the escalator or take the stairway according to the pedestrian choice model in the first row cells of the choice zone. If 0.5 < R ≤ 1 , the pedestrian chooses to take the escalator or take the stairway according to the pedestrian choice model in the second row cells of the choice zone. In this way, the pedestrian choice model of vertical walking facilities is added into the pedestrian simulation model and the pedestrian choice behavior is simulated.
Pedestrians are generated on both sides of the passage, and walk towards the escalator and stairway. When pedestrians arrive at the choice zone, the real-time characteristics of height, luggage, the difference between queuing pedestrians, and walking speed are extracted. Based on these four influence factors, the pedestrian choice model is used to make the choice between escalator and stairway, and the pedestrian choice behavior is simulated by switching the floor field.
Pedestrians generated on the left side of the passage are marked as LP. Pedestrians generated on the right side of the passage are denoted as RP.
Taking the LP in Scenario B for example, the transition probability calculation of LP is dependent on the floor field which is described in Fig.
The pedestrian choice model of vertical walking facilities is added into the pedestrian simulation model. The pedestrian choice behavior is simulated by switching the floor field.
Considering the intermittent arrival of a rail transit vehicle, the pedestrian flow of transfer passage comes in waves. In the simulation, the LP are generated first on the left side of the passage. After 70 steps, the RP are generated on the right side of the passage. The pedestrian flow simulations in Scenarios A and B are realized. Five stages of pedestrian flow simulation in Scenario B are shown in Fig.
The first stage: On the left side of the transfer passage, the LP are generated and walks towards the right side.
The second stage: LP arrive at the choice zone and they choose to take the escalator or take the stairway according to the pedestrian choice model of the downward direction. The floor field is changed based on the choice results to simulate the choice behavior of LP.
The third stage: After 70 time steps, on the right side of the transfer passage, RP are generated and walks towards the left side.
The fourth stage: RP arrive at the choice zone and they choose to take the escalator or take the stairway according to the pedestrian choice model of the upward direction. The floor field is changed based on the choice results to simulate the choice behavior of RP. LP meet RP and the conflicts appear in the passage.
The last stage: With time going on, the pedestrians pass through the weaving zone, LP and RP arrive at their exits respectively and walk away.
The spatial and temporal distribution of the pedestrian flow in Scenario B are shown in Fig.
Many pedestrians line up in front of the escalator. These phenomena are all consistent with the actual situation which we have observed. In Scenario A, due to the pedestrians tending to take the escalator, some pedestrians would conflict in the weaving area. This phenomenon is also consistent with the actual situation which we have observed.
With the pedestrian samples of Changchun light-rail transfer station and Beijing Xizhimen transfer station, and the simulation, we can know that when the difference between queuing pedestrians is small, the pedestrians tend to choose the escalator. In the process of simulation, the difference between queuing pedestrians could not be controlled by us. So, we analyze the dynamic influences of the interlayer height, luggage and walking speed on pedestrian choice behavior.
Taking the upward direction for example, 200 pedestrian samples have been selected out from the survey data, and 200 pedestrians which have the same characteristics as those of the pedestrian samples, are generated in the simulation.
With the changing of the interlayer height, the number of pedestrians choosing the escalator is changed, and the relationship is shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 13. Relationship between interlayer height and the number of pedestrians choosing the escalator. |
The relationship between luggage and the number of pedestrians choosing escalator is shown in Fig.
The relationship between the walking speed and the number of pedestrians choosing the escalator is shown in Fig.
Taking 50-times simulation experiments on condition that the numbers of the pedestrians are fixed in Scenario A and Scenario B, respectively, the mean time taken by the pedestrians is obtained. The relationship between the number of pedestrians and the time taken is shown in Fig.
From Fig.
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